Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Back to Reality.

Aloha my lovelies!

Welcome to the all new partially new NotSoPlainJayne! Whilst it's been an embarrassingly long time since my last post I'm finally back. And what better way to celebrate than a bit of a design makeover? I'm planning on a layout change sometime in the near future too so keep an eye out of that. Also here's a completely unrelated photo of flowers. You're welcome.

Since my last post way back in October a lot of stuff has probably changed. The biggest thing being that I have finished my degree. It honestly hasn't sunk in yet. Even typing it feels weird. However now I'm stuck in this weird state of non student/ non adult confusion since my Graduation ceremony isn't until the end of October. The idea of actually having to face being a proper adult is way more scary than I ever thought it would be.

What does this mean for Not So Plain Jayne? Well, hopefully it means that my posts will start to be slightly more regular than 8 months. I've got loads of posts all written up and ready to go. It's just the task of taking the photos that proves rather difficult - aka. I am unorganized. Nothing new there though right?

In summary, I got a cool new header and I am back blogging for the foreseeable future. Yay.
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